Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Everyday I'm Shufflin': JAM (Just Another Monday)

11/14: Discount Draft

I left a little bit early to pop by an ATM so I could get money for the new Yu-Gi-Oh tins that came out. I needed two Solemn Warnings and had been meaning to try using Fossil Dyna, so I went to Target and got three Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon tins. I must admit that Galaxy Eyes looks pretty cool, even though it’s not very good and the tin looks stunning. Also, Monday’s episode of ZeXal had Yugioh’s first kiss scene and the return of card games on top of moving trains. Anyways, I arrived to the tournament early and had time to open up the tins. While I didn’t get anything too rare, I did get a Tech Genus Wonder Magician, a Junk Berserker and an Aero Shark along with some other lame foils. Regardless, I believe the Warnings should definitely help out my deck and Fossil Dyna’s should combo well with Bambooshoot. I’ll have to try it out next Regionals.

Anyways, on to the draft. This Draft has left me the most bummed out of every tournament that I’ve done. Perhaps karma does exist. They ran out of Innistrad, so we were drafting two Scars of Mirrodin packs and one pack of New Phyrexia. I drafted mono-black as I got a Phyrexian Obliterator. Second pack, I opened a foil Koth, but as it was Backdraft and I typically play fair (along with the fact that the winner from last time watched me open it), I passed it and vowed to win it, seriously declaring my victory before the whole thing started. I had a good feeling about my deck.

My first opponent was using a blue/white deck and we passed the first few turns. I played out Phyrexian Obliterator and expected to win right there, but he arrested it. I was disappointed and we continued to play out creatrues. I got seven poison counters on him, but he got me down pretty low and played a blue Mythic that became a 7/7 copy of my Obliterator, winning him the game. Game two, though, I was able to use an Exarch to check his hand and wipe out his only removal spell in hand and bring out Obliterator. He had been consistently dealing damage to me and had out a hover myr, a 1/2 artifact creature that became unblockable for one blue phyrexian mana and an Etched Champion. He blocked my attack with the myr and started his turn. He forgot that he no longer had metalcraft and swung. I Grasp of Darknessed the unblockable and blocked his Champion with my Obliterator. I won game two, and game three, I used my Exarch to wipe out his only removal again, allowing me to get out Carnifex Demon, winning me game three without much trouble. I felt rather cocky. Not a good sign, but I feel that I’m getting better, nonetheless.

My second opponent was someone the owner had commented on being good. Game one basically went like this: equipment to give +3/+0, Bloodshot Trainee, equip. No removal on my part equals good game. Game two, I quickly got out infect creatures and wiped out his creatures with removal while I beat him down with infect. On to game three. He gets out a Golem that can give creatures flying and +1/+1 for two mana and gets out a couple of other creatures, but I am able to play out both Phyrexian Obliterator and Carnifex Demon and take the game. It is a six man pod and I am the only person with 2-0, so I am pretty much sure of my victory. If you couldn’t guess, though, it doesn’t happen.

Opponent number three is using white/green and has a lot of infect along with Nim Deathmantle. He got to play first, which screwed me over in the end. I played out some creatures with infect and got him to five, but he was able to get out creatures to defend with along with Nim Deathmantle and he could block my attacks before I could finish him. This lead to him playing more and more creatures so that any attacks I made would only hurt me. Additionally, we drew nothing but land and when he got two cards in his hand, I used Dimentia Bat. When this happened again, I used Necrotic Ooze, and I got back Ooze with my Exarch to do the same. I got out Carnifex Demon which saved me from a creature that put 1/1s into play equal to my poison counters every turn, until I could kill it, but eventually I ran out of cards and lost. We also ran out of time and I couldn’t kill him in the next game, so I lost. On top of that, both of my previous opponents lost and since there were four 2-1s, I got screwed on tie-breakers and came in fourth, just out of money card range. From first to basically last…I was very annoyed. To add to my frustration, there was a large container truck preventing me from leaving my parking spot…this sucks >_<

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