I am feeling that this blog may be a little to plain and that I may need to find a way to change it up a bit. Right now it is just my tournament reports, which I do enjoy having a record of. Of course, any popular blog would probably need more. Maybe I could write strategy articles, although I don’t feel that I would be very good at it, as I have so much I still have to learn. I mean, I don’t want to be a news site, as anypony who’s interested in Magic would probably check mtgsalvation, DailyMTG, or numerous other sites before mine (how many people have even seen this?). Anyways, on to the report >_<
11/21: Discount Draft
Relentless Dragon again, and this time I decided to not go red/white, which annoyed me, as I know those colors best. I ended up with a Black/Blue deck with two Undead Alchemist and a Cellar Door, as well as four Think Twice. I also got two of the spell that lets you look at the top four cards of your library and add one to your hand (and mill the rest). I didn’t end up using them, as I felt the Think Twice was enough draw power, although maybe I should have.
My first opponent was using a Black/Red deck and I kept a hand with one island and two Delver of Secrets. I’m not sure if it was a good hand to keep, but I quickly got him to seven and then got out Undead Alchemist and milled him with Zombie tokens. Game two he was prepared and used Fiend Hunter to exile it, but then I just played out my second one. He managed to kill that one eventually, but I got the first one back with corpse lunge. He used Unburial Rites to get back Fiend Hunter and exiled Undead Alchemist again, but I soon managed to destroy Fiend Hunter and with an attack from a Mauler, which he blocked with his Rat, allowing me to corpse lunge Fiend Hunter (I had already exiled my other Alchemist). Finally, I was able to use my army of tokens to mill him.
My second opponent was Aaron, who was Black/Green/Blue. Game one, I had to fight without ever getting access to blue mana, due to not drawing it. My deck was mainly blue, so I lost without being able to put up much of a fight. Game two, I got out my two Undead Alchemist and got out a few zombies, but he had enough creatures to block mine, so I didn’t get a chance to attack, while he swung with his flier. I was able to pull off cellar door once, but unfortunately, he got out Grimgrin and killed my Alchemists. I didn’t have enough to win, so I lost to the flier.
My final opponent was Nathan, who I beat last time with Dungrove Elder, who is playing Black/White Game one, I explode and mill him, with my exponentially increasing zombies. Game two, I keep an interesting hand. 5 islands and two Think Twice. It works pretty well, but his deck is pretty good and he gets out his creatures to beat me down this time. Game three, I see that his bomb is Mikaeus the Lunarch, and he begins to power up his creatures, I don’t have a way to kill it, and while I get out an Alchemist, I don’t have anything to get rid of it. It goes to time and I try to stall, but he has a flier which is ultimately able to finish me as my only fliers are Delvers, which are now gone.
Notes: I don’t think my deck was too bad, but I didn’t want to play white/red this time, so I sort of avoided white, when I really should have picked it. I don’t think it was a good move to pick a Think Twice over a Mausoleum Guard and later passed Bonds of Faiths and things that made me really regret not going white, including Mikaeus, pack two. I still make misplays, but I believe right now my biggest problem is colors.
Don't worry too much about misplays. Everybody makes them and understanding what those misplays are is everything.
ReplyDeleteTips for a bomb heavy set like Innistrad:
- When looking at a set, know your good bombs and your common removal spells. You were right in thinking Mikaeus is one of them.
- Play your best bombs.
Tips for Drafting in General:
- Play to what you pull. It's the toughest thing in draft.
- Tribal are a bad idea 99% of the time.
- Play test as much as you can. Do it before the first round and between rounds.
- Work on land counts. You want to stick between 13-17 depending on your mana curve. You can take extra lands and sub after each first round too if you find your mana curve is off.