Sunday, October 23, 2011

Everyday I'm Shufflin': Last Friday Night

I find this kind of interesting. I couldn’t remember this game to well, but this makes me feel that I have improved. I found a blog post by my first opponent at the PTQ in Philadelphia.

He's GR with garruks horde and burn spells. i win game 1 because i was dead on board and attacked with everyone, but he didn't block correctly and just died. game 2 i curve out with griffin riders and griffins with stave off protection.

While I don’t’ appreciate that he had to call me out with my full name to report that I sucked, I have to admit that that was a disaster. Well now I kind of remember what he was playing and would like to point out that my grammar is better than his. If we face again I will beat him. I haven’t been that bad since that tournament.

I also remember that one of my red opponents at the PTQ at TJ’s won one of his games with his Charmbreaker Devils, while I was at 14, and was able to stop me from blocking and power them to 14. It was one of my earlier games, but I forget who and if I mentioned that. I feel it important to note as I would like to have record of that. By the way, until now, I’ve remembered everything I wrote without anything to go off of other than the Planeswalker Points site, but I brought a notebook to the PTQ this weekend, and found that it’s a lot better than having to remember every tournament.

10/21: FNM

After school, I went to Larry’s again for another FNM and got an Undead Alchemist in my first pack and proceeded to go black/blue for zombies and removal and all the wonders of blue. Second pack, I opened a Garruk, and the guy next to me thought I was crazy for passing him a Stromkirk Noble. Despite Garruk not being my colors, my deck ended up being pretty sweet. My first opponent was Juan Mesa (ok, so I have to admit, I’m getting too many repeat names. While I don’t like the idea, I think I will start to help keep track of other players.) from Larry’s and the PTQ at TJ’s. I tell him that it’s time for our rematch, but he has gone with three colors and can’t really play anything, while I beat him up. Game two, he has quite a bit of land, but not too many creatures and my night terrors made that worse for him. I beat him to death again without a fight and went upstairs to report. I’ve stopped saying “good game” if it isn’t a good game, and I am sure Juan would agree with me that it was a pretty lame match. This is also the second time I’ve gone up to report and the shopkeeper has been shocked and “You beat Juan!?!” Just last time, I think it was a different Juan and a different shopkeep…

My second opponent was Marcus McDonald and he was running a black/white deck. He was a pretty cool guy and a good player. I lost game one fairly easily because he got out Bloodline Keeper (he never flipped it) and kept made some tokens to gain advantage. Eventually he equipped it and killed me in a few turns as I had no fliers. Game two, I’m winning and get him to six with Moan of the Undead and my Cellar Door, I get a lot of tokens. I have Murder of Crows and my transforming bat out and have a silent departure in my graveyard. He has just played an Avacynian Priest, and I have one chance to return his flier and have enough to overrun him provided he doesn’t have anything to stop it in his hand as he has mana open. I don’t notice this (ok, so I still kind of suck) and strengthen my own board position and pass the turn. Avancynian Priest can use its effect now, I don’t get another chance to win and he eventually kills me. Note to self. If you have a chance to win; TAKE IT!!!

My final opponent is Jim McLaughlin, who got his loss from the guy facing Marcus. To make things awesomer, me and Marcus are sitting next to each other across from Jim and the guy who beat him. This makes it even more intense as the only way for me to have a chance at second is for Marcus to win. Both of our matchers are important for me (along with Juan’s, but he is over across the room and his match isn’t as important. My opponent gets out two Vampire Interlopers and did some damage before I traded my bat with one of them. I got out a couple of Ghoulraisers and started to catch up. After a couple turns, we were both at ten. He hits me for two with his Interloper and uses Unburial Rites to revive a witch (the one with Morbid). I Silent Departure the witch and hit him for four. He plays his witch and hits me for two again. I draw a Blazing Torch, Silent Departure and hit him for four again. He plays Bonds of Faith on one of my zombies and plays his Witch again. I draw and play and equip Blazing Torch, tapping a Ghoulraiser for game. Game two, he gets out an interloper, and I play a creature, which he Bonds of Faiths. I play and equip my Blazing Torch to kill his creature after taking a little damage. I have out a Cellar Door and he plays Lantern Spirit. I play a bat and he taps out and attacks, but I don’t trade. I get out my Undead Alchemist and take a hit. I hit him with my Undead Alchemist and get a token. He hits me again and plays an Interloper, but I am able to kill it and hit him for six getting two more. He plays Dead Weight on my Undead Alchemist, but I respond with Cellar Door and get another two tokens. I swing with everything and he goes to twelve, blocking one with Lantern Spirit and returning it to his hand. The same happens on the next turn, and the turn after that, he loses. Naturally, I proceed to watch Juan and Malcomn lose, meaning that I won’t even come in the top three, so I leave. Oh well, I got a Garruk.

I’ll update with this weekend’s PTQ report within a couple of days

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